Die "Artiade" ist ein fantastisches Konzept, welches Künstler aus den verschiedensten Nationen in einer großen Ausstellung zusammen bringt um Kunstinteressierten durch ihre Werke ihr Land näher bringen. Es ist eine große Ehre im Team der Artiade eine solch umfassende Erfahrung für Berlin im nächsten Jahr zu ermöglichen.
The world´s top art event restarts.
The open call for the artists begins at January 1, 2019.
We invite you to be a part of this extraordinary event.
You are welcome to apply to one or more fields of:
Painting, Installation, Sculpture, Photography, Video Art,
Concept Art.
Intention of the ARTIADE
The ARTIADE is an international art exhibition designed to create new avenues for artistic expression outside the established routes, in order to encourage artists who might otherwise remain undiscovered and also to document contemporary society for posterity through the means of artistic endeavor.
The main criterion for selection will be the artists’ uniqueness of expression rather than any current international trends in art. Reflecting the multitude of the artist coming from the different countries. The ARTIADE represents these nations’ intellectual and spiritual aspects in the form of art, conveying the collective of human society and thus communicating cultural identity. It enhances dialog between cultures, which is important especially in today`s world.
Thus the ARTIADE team and the founder decided in favor of Berlin as an attractive venue.
”It is the artists’ works that tell us about life in the countries from which they come…”
Gerhard Mack – ART Magazine Germany.
More info: